F2 Weekly Overview

Well last week was busy and we got up to so much in F2. We loved choosing and grinding spices to add to our playdough. Our deconstructed role play became a cinema and we got to make our own popcorn. We made our own stick family after reading stickman. In maths we measured the length and weight of everything in sight!!

This week in literacy we’ll be busy with The Jolly Christmas Postman. In phonics our sounds are z  zz  qu  Ch sh. In maths it’s all about the number 10 this week. Of course in between all of those things we will be getting ready for our Nativity!

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Mrs Green

Year 1 Teacher

I'm Mrs Green and I joined WCPS in September 2019. I am passionate about Early years and can usually be found on the floor with our super 5 and 6 year olds. This year I have moved to teach in Year one! When I'm not at school I'll be with my children and dog on a muddy walk.

Train to teach