Good afternoon Nursery!
Good afternoon Nursery!
Monday was very different today! I hope you all are being good!
Inside your home learning packs was a Dough recipe. I am wondering if anyone has been able to make any yet? Did you manage to join in with Dough Disco this morning. Every day at 9.30 this can be found at Spread the Happiness TV.
I hope that soon I will be able to make my own videos to share, unfortunately (and I completely understand if you are having the same problem!) I cant get hold of any flour to make my dough! But I am going to try to get some as soon as possible!
Have you managed to access our fantastic games on Busy Things? If you are having trouble with the password please get in touch and I will send them to you as soon as possible. Children really enjoy the phase 1 phonics games on here and they are great for developing their listening skills. (follow the three buttons below!)
Try to share at least one story book a day. After this children can draw a picture of their favourite part of the story or you could video them verbally retelling it you back. I would love to see them!
Keep safe everyone!
Mrs Evans
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