Hello Class 5!

Hello everyone!
This will be our class blog page for the year 2020-2021! So exciting! As well as Twitter and Seesaw, we will be using this space to share learning and memories, add tasks and questions and keep in touch!

I can’t wait to meet you all on Thursday 27th August from 12.30 to 2.30, in our new classroom, for fun, games, snacks and getting to know you time!

We are adding home learning challenges to Seesaw throughout the holidays but remember that this is only optional – this is your summer too! So enjoy, stay safe, and we will keep in touch on Twitter and Seesaw!

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Mrs Wigglesworth

Year 2 Teacher

Hi, I’m Mrs Wigglesworth and this is my 8th year teaching at WCPS. My favourite things to teach are Literacy and History, which I am really passionate about. In my spare time, I love watching Disney and Star Wars films, reading, and spending time with my husband and our beautiful baby girl, Iris.

Train to teach