Monday 30th March

Today’s home learning.

Phonics–ee–can you record yourself saying the phase 3 phonemes, can you write words using the EE diagraph.

Literacy-can you draw and label your favourite character from Jack and the beanstalk.

Maths – count forwards and backwards to 20.

Practise your addition – 3+4= 2+1=5+2=2+3=4+5=

Creative-can you create a junk model bean stalk?

Daily tasks-write your name and numbers 0-20

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Mrs Green

Year 1 Teacher

I'm Mrs Green and I joined WCPS in September 2019. I am passionate about Early years and can usually be found on the floor with our super 5 and 6 year olds. This year I have moved to teach in Year one! When I'm not at school I'll be with my children and dog on a muddy walk.

Train to teach