Our Early Years Curriculum
At WCPS we are proud of the start we give to all children in Foundation Stage as they join our school. The Foundation Stage is a discrete and very special phase and is concerned with the development of “the whole child”, each area of development closely and often seamlessly intertwined together as children learn and develop following a play based curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum has three “prime” areas of learning; Personal, Social and Emotional development, language for communication and thinking and physical development, and four “specific” areas; literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. Broad developmental bands indicating likely stages of development and behaviours in each of these areas form the basis of our planning for learning and children’s progress and attainment is monitored in relation to these developmental bands. All activities and experiences are designed and planned to meet individual needs and interests.
Quality play experiences form the basis of each day in Foundation Stage and children are encouraged to initiate and develop their own ideas, working with other children and adults in a variety of contexts both indoors and in the outdoor classroom.
The EYFS curriculum is based on ‘development matters’. Learning activities are carefully planned and matched to the developmental age of pupils and based on firm assessment and understanding of pupils’ prior knowledge and gaps in learning/next steps.
The EYFS curriculum has been developed to be consistent with the educational programmes set out in the EYFS and links to the HCAT curriculums for all subjects. The curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure that children receive a curriculum which is effective in preparing children for the next phase in their learning.
A big focus of our EYFS curriculum is developing oracy skills.
Nursery Literacy curriculum progressionUnderstanding the World curriculum progression 22-23
If parents would like more information regarding the curriculum we follow please contact admin@wcpsedu.org and we can put you in contact with Mrs Evans, our EYFS leader.