Thursday Home Learning

Today we are going to learn the letter i

Watch Mr Thornes phonics video i

When you join F2 your teacher will use a very posh word “phoneme” instead of sound.

Can you find lots of things around your house that start with the phoneme i? How many can you find?

Play these games on BusyThings, they will review the s a t and p phoneme and teach the i phoneme.

Have a go at writing the grapheme p (grapheme is another posh word which just means letter) , playing these games on BusyThings can help you. They should be set to revise the grapheme s a t and p and learn i


Watch the superworm song and try to join in!


Try to retell the superworm story to a grown up using the sock puppet that you made earlier in the week. See if there are any other props in the house you can use to help you.


Play the silly soup game using items that start with s a t p and i.

Sing the song and then add different things that start with those letters you can find around the house. There is a video below to show the grown ups how to play this game!


Have a great day!

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Mrs Evans

EYFS Leader & Assistant Headteacher

Hi I’m Mrs Evans. This is my sixth year working in foundation stage and I love it! When I’m not at school I spend my time with my two daughters. We like to go to the caravan at the weekends especially when it’s raining so that we can get cosy and play lots of board games!

Train to teach