Topic Alert!!

Our final topic is mining. Speak to your families to see what you can find out about the pits and mining in Barnsley:

  • Are there any miners in your family?

  • Were there any miners in your family? Why don’t they mine now?

  • Can you name any local mines?

There will be 5 dojo points for anyone who can share some information about mining in Barnsley!

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Mrs Dransfield

Year 5 Teacher

I’m MRs Dransfield. My favourite things to teach are literacy and history. I also love books and one of my favourite times of the day is story time! When I’m not at school I’m outnumbered by boys at home, they keep me busy with football matches and other activities and drive me crazy with gaming! You’ll hear me talk a lot about my miniature schnauzer called Billy. I spend lots of my free time walking with him and tracking my steps. The other things I enjoy are travelling to different places, especially cities, and eating out.

Train to teach