

1. 4 o’clock
2.quarter past 8
3.Half past 10
4.quarter to 10
5.7 o’clock
6. Quarter past 1
7.half past 7
8.quarter past 3


1) 4 o’clock
2) quarter past 8
3) half pass 10
4) quarter to 10
5)7 o’clock
6) half pass 7
7) quarter to 3


The answers are Maddison Singleton in class 5


4 o’clock
quarter past 8
half past 10
quarter to 10
7 o’clock
quarter past 1
half past 7
quarter to 3


1. 4 o clock
2. Quarter past 8
3. Half past 10
4. Quarter to 10
5. 7 o clock
6. Quarter past 1
7. Half past 7
8. Quarter to 3

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Mrs Lowrie

Year 1 Teacher

I’m Mrs Lowrie! I have worked at WCPS for over 10 years and it is one of my favourite places to be. I love teaching the amazing learners of Worsbrough Common Primary School but I also love to learn new things myself - just like you! At home, I have a lovely little boy and I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and going for long walks.

Train to teach