Let’s be mindful

This post has lots of different mindfulness activities for you to try. Therefore lots of different things but you can try them at any time. That means you will have a tool to help you if ever you’re feeling like you need something to help you.

They’re all  good to practise and to just pass a few minutes.

Heart Garden – growing inner happiness

Finding the pause, to help with patience and waiting.

Cloud burst to help when we’re feeling grumpy

Tap and wiggle, to boost your brain power. This one is tricky but fun.

Everything changes! How do you feel about those changes?

Be a strong mountain rising from the sea. Blow your worries away.

Shake your sillies out! This is good if you’re struggling to focus and manage your distractions.

Feel grounded like a tree. This is fun!


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Forest School Practitioner

I started work as an SEND teacher and I... scratch that...As one of the children once told me "You're just Gilly who plays out with us and helps us to be safe." I'm sometimes a pirate, sometimes a Viking, sometimes the crazy story teller but I always aim to make it fun. I'm just Gilly and Forest School is my jam!

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